Thursday, March 29, 2012

Barlow: I Knew Him When...

Someone mentioned the name ‘Barlow’ to me this morning and my mind stumbled back to the early nineties when I was on the air at a radio station in St. Catharines, Ontario. We were presenting a couple of Moxy Fruvous shows at a high school.

The opening act for night-one was a Toronto band called The Gravelberrys featuring Paul Myers.

The next night, The Tom Barlow Band was starting on stage.

Tom Barlow had a bit of a Corey Hart meets David and David means Shawn Mullins vibe. I hope he would take that as a compliment – not so pouty though. His songwriting was clean and crisp. And he liked to have fun with his music. I remember listening to his independent CD thinking that these tunes were catchy. (That’s a compliment too.) I liked the idea that it felt like I was discovering music before anyone else knew it existed so I could say “I knew him when…”

It wasn’t long after those shows that Barlow (he’s just Barlow now) released his self-titled major label debut featuring two top-ten radio hits and garnering three JUNO Award nominations. Once again, Barlow’s way with lyrics and the progression of his songs shone through.

Barlow is still a busy guy. He is probably one of the most successful jam-hosts in Toronto. And he recently released a new album. “Burning Days” is a socially conscious effort and the CD’s first release “Steal Like a Billionaire” reflects the anger that people around the world feel towards apathetic financial institutions.

Barlow continues to tour. He definitely has something to say about the state of the world too – check out his Twitter feed.  And I’m proud to say that I knew him when…

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