Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Norah Jones Is Back and She's Brought Friends

There was a time in my life when I use to consume music instead of food. Ironically, when my career (in radio) got too busy or convoluted, 'my' music got lost in my life-mix that was dominated by the tunes I had to play to make a living. The Archies, Anne Murray, Celine Dion, Glass Tiger, Garth Brooks and Craig Ruhnke are currently NOT on my personal playlist. Sorry.

I have sadly not schooled my five year old much in my world of musical misadventure. So through outside osmosis, Abi has unfortunately picked up on her own things including Justin Bieber. (For the longest time, she though he was singing "Baybit baybit baybit whoa!")

She went through a Spice Girls phase (no) thanks to her grandmother and uncle. That was an unfortunate time in all of our lives -- especially since I was getting to the point where I could identify which Spice Girl was singing which lyric.


But I am trying to change that. And her education has to start with my re-education. Part of my going-back-to-school means listening to the NPR podcasts for All Songs Considered. My timing is ideal -- especially since the SXSW Festival in Austin has just come and gone.

There is so much new music to explore. And it seems likes genres and musical boundaries and definitions are out the window. Is it alternative? Is it adult contemporary? Is it a hybrid of both with a little jazz and country thrown into the mix?

It doesn't really matter.

All that matters is whether you like it or whether you don't -- and that you can say "Why?"

Just like I can say that I am really looking forward to the release of Norah Jones new album "Little Broken Hearts" May 1. Producer Brian Burton (Danger Mouse) has sprinkled his subtle studio magic on Jones' music. There is a slight 'tinge' to the keyboards and her voice that's 'interesting' -- not distracting. And it still sounds and feels like Norah Jones.

Let the education begin.

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